
Full time status for graduate students is nine credit hours (three classes). Tuition costs vary year to year.

Here is a link to FAU's tuition breakdown.

To find out how much classes cost, multiply the total fee by the amount of credits you'd like to take.

As you can see from the tuition breakdown, costs are much higher for out of state students.

Please consider establishing Florida Residency before applying to FAU.

The Graduate College processes Florida Residency, so if you have any questions about this, please contact them at:  (561) 297-3624 or .

Students with a GTA position are entitled to a tuition waiver, but are still responsible for student fees. This means both the tuition cost and out of state fees are waived. See the tuition link for more information, but, for example, if one out-of-state credit costs $1024.80, then with the tuition waiver, the same credit would cost $97.30 (the total cost of student fees). In this scenario, full time study (nine credit hours) would cost $9223.29 without the waiver, and $875.80 with the waiver.